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Final CREaTION Workshop

Sala do Senado da Reitoria da Universidade de Aveiro 5 of February 2016 Program ProgramCREaTIONWorkshop 10h00 – Opening Session 10h10 – Project Research Outcomes 10h10 – Prof. João Canas Ferreira, Inesc-Tec and FEUP Universidade do Porto 10h30 – Prof. Fernando Velez, IT Lisboa and Universidade

Workshop Conjunto dos Projetos CREaTION e Disruptive em Linhas de Investigação de Excelência

Instituto de Telecomunicações, ISCTE-IUL Av. Das Forças Armadas, Sala C201, Edifício II (2.º andar), Lisboa 26 de Junho de 2015 Programa  Sessão 1:  11:00-12:30  11:00     Relaying and Cognitive Radio for Wireless Communications                 Prof. Jae Hong Lee (Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology            Society)

3º Encontro do Projeto CREaTION ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, 26 de Junho de 2015

Chamada de Contribuições O 3º Encontro do Projeto CReATION (Cognitive Radio Transceiver Design for Energy Efficient Data Transmission) pretende ser um ponto de encontro e de intercâmbio técnico para todos os interessados nas áreas em que o projeto está envolvido: • Projeto dos componentes para

Fernando J. Velez and Marja Matinmikko, “Technical Approaches for Improved Spectrum Sharing,” Chapter in the book Cognitive Radio Policy and Regulation: Techno-Economic Studies to Facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access, edited by Arturas Arturas Medeisis, and Oliver Holland, Springer, London, UK, 2014, pp. 117-138. Dariusz Wiecek and

Luís M. Borges, Fernando J. Velez and António S. Lebres, “Survey on the Characterization and Classification of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Apr. 2014. Jessica Acevedo, Daniel Robalo, Fernando J. Velez, “Jessica Acevedo Flores, Daniel Robalo and Fernando J. Velez, “Transmitted

José Vieira

José Vieira received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1988, from University of Coimbra, Portugal and in 1993 the M. Sc. in Systems and Automation from the same university. In 2000 he received the Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Aveiro University, Portugal and since then he is an Assistant Professor at the same university. In 2004 he founded the Audio Engineering Society (AES) Portuguese section and since 2005 he has been its president.

His main research interests are: digital audio signal processing, ultrasonic location, compressed sensing and software-defined radio.

Pedro Pinho


Pedro Pinho was born in Vale de Cambra, Portugal in 1974. He received the Licenciado and Master’s degrees in electrical and telecommunications engineering, and the Ph. D. degree from the University of Aveiro in 1997, 2000, and 2004 respectively. He is currently a Professor Adjunto at the Department of Electrical Telecommunications and Computers Engineering in Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, in Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, and a Member of the research staff at the Institute for Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal from 1997.

His current research interest is in antennas for location systems, reconfigurable antennas and antenna design for passive sensors in non-conventional materials. He has authored or co-authored more than 90 papers in conferences and international journals and 4 book chapters.

João Nuno Matos


João Nuno Matos is a Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal and a Senior Research Scientist with the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), Universidade de Aveiro. He received the licenciado degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering, from Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, in 1982, the master degree, in electrical engineering, from Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, in 1989, and the doctoral degree, in electrical engineering, from Universidade de Aveiro, in 1995.

From 1982 to 1983 he was with Portugal Telecom Inovação. Since 1983, he collaborates with the Universidade de Aveiro where holds an associated professor position.

His main research interests include smart antennas, wireless power transmission and software-defined radio. He has been a reviewer and author of papers in magazines and conferences. He is the author or co-author of more than 70 journal and international conference papers, a member of IEEE and several conference scientific committees.

Ricardo Gonçalves


Ricardo Gonçalves was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1988.  He is a researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações in Aveiro and he’s currently pursuing the PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Aveiro.

He received the BSc and the MSc (Magna Cum Laude) on Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa in 2010 and 2012 respectively. In 2010/2011 he was awarded with merit scholarship for exceptional academic performances. From 2010 to 2012, he worked at Dailywork I&D Lda. as a developer engineer in embedded electronic systems for vehicular location systems and healthcare platforms.

His main research interests include wireless power transfer systems, RFID and wireless passive sensor networks. His current focus is on the development of printed antennas and microwave circuits in non-conventional materials such as textiles, ceramics, plastic, paper and cork, for the former applications.

Journal Papers

Wonhoon Jang, Nelson V. Silva, Arnaldo S. R. Oliveira, Nuno Borges Carvalho, “Analysis on in-band distortion caused by switching amplifiers”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, October 2013.

André Prata, Nuno Borges Carvalho, Arnaldo S. R. Oliveira, “An Agile Digital Radio System for UHF White Spaces”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, January 2014, vol. 15, nº 1.