RF Laboratory @ IT Aveiro

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 PCBs substrates:

Thick Cooper Er D
[mm] [um] [mm] [2015]
FR4 1,6 30  4,4  * 300x210
1,6 18  4,4  * 300x211
1,0 30  4,4  * 300x212
1 18  4,4  * 300x213
0,8 35  4,4  * 300x214
ISOLA IS680 1,52 35 3,38 305x460 21,50
0,76 35 3,38 305x460 16,00
ASTRA 1,52 35 3,00 305x460 70,00
0,76 35 3,00 305x460 32,00
ROGERS RO4725JXR  0,78 18 2,55 305x457 29,74
1,542 18 2,55 305x457 51,05
RO4360G2  0,813 18 6,15 305x457 125,25
1,524 18 6,15 305x457 271,66




This space is intended to motivate interest in the area of ​​RF. We present basic studies, recipes and tutorials
I hope you enjoy ...


 Projects open to the community:

1. Java and SQL web application to optimize equipment’s utilization.

2. Prototype based on Arduino to: control relay, measure temperature and humidity with Ethernet interface to MatLab control.

3. Prototype dispenser accessories (type of automatic sandwiches machine)

4. Application for transformation video 3D radiation patterns of antennas (MatLab).

5. Performing for Microwave Mini-Anechoic chamber (2 axls).


These projects aimed to improve the conditions of RF Lab.

May be performed by anyvoluntary or suggested as corse project (requires acceptance by an supervisor Teacher).

The RF Lab will provide the materials and equipment.

 For each item the best prototype entitled to a bonus set after the evaluation.

Hand to the work ... ;)


 Medida de Antenas de AGO

 Fotos Antenas de AGO


  Basic RF Projects examples Links:


available very soon...